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cranberry juice artinya

contoh kalimat "cranberry juice"
  • All this cranberry juice is making me break out.
    Semua jus cranberry ini membuatku tak tenang.
  • Do you want cranberry juice or cranberry cocktail?
    Apakah Anda ingin jus cranberry atau cranberry cocktail?
  • Could I have a glass of the cranberry juice, please?
    Boleh kupesan segelas jus cranbery?
  • And what can I get you that isn't a cranberry juice?
    Mau minum apa selain jus cranberry?
  • One more minute or I'm getting the cranberry juice.
    1 menit lagi atau aku akan mengambil jus cranberry.
  • Roasted quail and a side of stuffing and a cranberry juice.
    Burung puyuh panggang dan isinya dengan jus Cranberry.
  • Coconut rum, amaretto, cranberry juice, orange juice, and pineapple juice.
    Rum kelapa, amaretto, jus crenberry, jus jeruk, dan jus nanas
  • Next time, maybe you should monitor your cranberry juice consumption.
    Lain kali, kau harus mengawasi jumlah jus Cranberi yang kau minum.
  • This isn't even cranberry juice.
    Ini bahkan bukan jus cranberry.
  • They're drinking cranberry juice, talking about Michelle Obama's upper-body workout.
    Mereka minum jus cranberry, berbicara tentang latihan tubuh bagian atas Michelle Obama.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the juice of cranberries (always diluted and sweetened)